
Friday, June 1, 2012

An early morning thought (or two...) on friendship...

Life. Friendship. Love. These were the subjects that thumped around in my brain like a runner on steroids at 4:30 this morning. What does it mean to be a true friend? Do I have an unrealistic view to what that means? Have I been a good friend over the years? How is that so many people enter our lives, we have fun with them, laugh with them, cry with them? Then we grow up, or move away and frankly can't remember the last time we actually spoke with them on the phone...or even crazier still, spent time with them in person! Are friendships only meant to last a season before you go your separate ways?
4:55 a.m.
Should I get up? No. Its still too early. Can I fall back asleep? I'd sure like to. I hear the birds beginning to faintly chirp through my open window. More thoughts stream in like a runaway freight train. Disagreements. Misunderstandings. Lack of communication. They are so far in the past and all seem so petty now, but at the time they acted as a propane tank to a flame, igniting stubbornness, resentment and sometimes even the death of a friendship. What could I have done to prevent certain things from going bad? Was that something within my power as a human being to change? I feel sad that they are no longer a part of my life. I wonder how life is treating them. Are they happy? Do they have their own families yet?
5:15 a.m.
Agh! Okay. I need some inspiration. I open my iPhone to Dr. Wayne Dyer. The first thing that pops up is "Be thankful for everyone." Wow. Coincidence? I think not! I read on... "Every single person who's drifted in and out of your life is a part of your Divinely chosen experience....give thanks for all these people, and take a serious note of what they brought you." Thank you Wayne! What a great reminder! I feel a burst of joy as the cool morning air breathes on my face. What great lessons I have learned from making mistakes, and saying or doing the wrong thing!! How much better can my relationships be NOW that I have become conscious to my choices and actions that follows them, in this human experience? Now I'm awake. Theres no stopping it. It's 5:45 a.m. and excitement for life is rushing through my veins. The world is waking up on this side of the sphere. I can hear nature bustling as I close my phone and jump out of bed. I have a new day in front of me. New challenges to overcome! Relationships to nurture! Dreams to fulfill! But first things first....a soothing, hot cup of goodness.  :)


  1. Well, this popped up on my facebook page, and not sure how you and I ended up befriended there (by whom or what orginization) but have to say glad we are, this blog made me smile, will make sure to follow it and it will for sure make more smile.. glad today I ecided to go on facebook, and today you decided to blog.. hope the hot cup of goodness was just that..and I do hope this comment can make you smile, Cheers Sean

    1. I am so glad to hear that life enabled us to connect through the internet. Thank you for taking the time to share with me. My hot cup of goodness was amazing. Have a fantastic week! Sending peace & blessings your way!

  2. Good morning Leanna,
    It's been a while, you are a goddess of love and light! I like my friends James view of life and friends and love relationships ... when I have friends/relationships change, move away, move closer it indeed feels like a tapestry of life. Sometimes maybe, most times, there is no rhyme or reason why this happens it's as if we cross paths with some, me move side by side with others and others we are tightly entwined together - love relationships, our greatest teachers. What I know is that when I AM in my heart, with peace, joy, love, integrity; I have honored that relationship and whatever happens, I feel good about my contribution. If the other shows up differently, then that's there choice and as we move away I don't take their stuff in, only bless them on their journey. I can be sad or in pain for the loss, but knowing who I AM allows me to move through the pain to joy, happiness and into trust. For me, life's greatest joys come from the biggest risks. So bring it on!
    Love, Light , Peace and Joy to you and to all my brothers and sisters.
    Keith Zimmerman

    1. Keith!! Oh how I miss your sweet spirit :) Thank you for sharing your thoughts on friendship with me. I consider you a dear friend...and I am so grateful for the risk we took an handful of years back, which allowed our paths to cross. Thank you for being a person who is living from the heart. Sending you love and light from southern Cali ;)

  3. Dear Leanna, thanks for the lovely compliment on your profile. You captured some great insights on your post today and I look forward to seeing more!!! I love you very much. Mom

  4. Leanna! I just love you oodles you know that?! 20 years my friend!!! 20 years! I'm so pleased to see you writing a blog and loving life. Can't wait to see what new things you write with time. Blessings!!!

    1. Aww...Emmy. I love you. There are no words that can fully express what you mean to me. Thank you for sharing all that you are with me over the last 20 years. Our friendship means the world to me. Love and hugs always

  5. Leanna,
    I'm happy our paths crossed over 11 years ago. While I haven't seen you in many years I still consider you a good friend. You helped me survive a year in Venezuela with smiles and laughs! Miss you! Thanks for sharing your life with all of us!

    1. Thanks Katie! You are a special person to me. Thank you for your friendship. I miss and think of you often. Besos

  6. You are such an inspiration. I am so grateful for your friendship! What an amazing woman you are!
    Love you

    1. Heather!! I love you so much and am so grateful for your friendship. I miss you more than words can express. Sending you love and a giant hug!!

  7. i have tried twice now to write down my feelings on this and how you always make me feel, so grateful to be your friend and so grateful to be alive ! Also having visited the Ground Zero Monument last week and remembering back to that day, I am indeed grateful for all who have chosen to be a part of my life and grateful to God for love and friendship that will be a part of our lives forever.
    Thank you Leanna, Love you<3
