
Monday, June 18, 2012

Puppy Love

I stare deeply into the golden brown eyes that are inches away from my face. Nothing else exists in this exact moment. Just the two of us. He looks at me as if he is just about to tell me how much he loves me, but instead lowers his face onto my shoulder as I wrap my arms around him. Our relationship is the epitome of affection and appreciation--living proof that unconditional love and joy can exist in a relationship between two living beings. No expectations. 
I release our embrace and see that he is now grinning from ear to ear. It's infectious. I smile back. It's as if I just gave him the world by fully receiving his gift, his tail begins to wag so vigorously that he practically knocks himself over.

The embodiment of friendship, dogs are possibly one of the purest examples of what it means to LIVE and LOVE unconditionally. As I sit on the floor and watch my furry friend get distracted by an approaching Rottweiler, I think to myself, "What if we only greeted those we love with that much enthusiasm?" and "What could this world look like if we showed with all our might how much we care about others, simply by living in the moment?"
Trust. Acceptance. Passion.
These canine qualities are only a few of the examples worth pondering and ultimately aspiring to. Imagine the reactions we might receive if we lived by the rules of our four legged friends! 
Would it be possible to receive the same kind of response that they illicit from us? 
They TRUST that we love them, and love us back, just as much or more, even when we don't pay them as much attention as we could. They ACCEPT every inch of our short comings, by choosing to focus on our positive qualities. 
With PASSION, they fully engage themselves on even the smallest events such as smelling the fresh air, taking naps, jumping on the chance to have fun, and always taking the opportunity to greet total strangers with a playful attitude and a giant smile.

The two dogs, nose to nose, let out little whines in their excitement. Then just like that, they part ways and this lovable pooch comes running back to me. 
Lessons on life... 
Could we let Fido (or in my case Butters) be our guide--and let go of our reservations to love others boldly, forgive wrongs almost instantly, always seek to learn something new and find the best in everything? 

Now that's a bone to chew on!


  1. I really loved your perspective on this post and I really felt you were so descriptive in your writing that I felt like I was observing you both. I really do think I personify this attitude and its nice to finally be able to label it in a favorable way instead of the more negative labels of "naive," "gullible," and a couple of others I won't mention. Thanks again for sharing your thoughts with the world.

    1. I am so glad to hear that you enjoyed it. Thank YOU for sharing your thoughts with me, and for acknowledging your amazing contribution to the world. :)

  2. Wonderful words and imagery, thanks for sharing this inspiring moment!
